
Helping find the perfect activity that is tailored to children's age, interests and passions.

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Lokidi lokidi.co.nz is a directory for localised activities for children bridging the gap between locals and visitors, enabling them to experience authentic culture and lasting memories. Helping find the perfect activity that is tailored to children’s age, interests and passions.

Smokeylemon first produced the brand and visual identity, the directive from the client was to have an elevated brand that “wasn’t too cheesy” as a lot of child-focused brands can be catered towards a young demographic. The plan was to have a brand and visual language that was appealing to parents, and provided a sense of credibility and trust to evoke further interest and exploration.






Lokidi lokidi.co.nz is a directory for localised activities for children bridging the gap between locals and visitors, enabling them to experience authentic culture and lasting memories.

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